


Foologix Callus Treatment

Our Footlogix foot callus treatment contains gentle, but highly effective ingredients such as Urea. This softens and reduces callus formation and allows us to gently file off the callus.

(We do not remove callus by using a razor or other type of shaver or sharp instrument, this is never recommended—even if done by a licensed pedicurist. These procedures are not only dangerous but are actually outlawed in many areas throughout the world.)

15 mins

Diamond Callus removal for hands

Our Diamond file will gently remove the callus on your hands and restore them to its original beauty.

(We do not remove callus by using a razor or other type of shaver or sharp instrument)

15 mins

Foot Massage

Add a relaxing, satisfying foot massage to your nail treatment.

30 mins

Gel Removal

Have any previous gel polish removed efficiently before starting any treatment.

20-30 min
(* Rs.2000 if previous gel was done by us)

Nail Extension Removal

Get your nail extensions removed before the start of a treatment or procedure.

time varies

Polish Removal

Have any previous polish removed efficiently before starting any treatment.



* Prices are correct at time of publishing the website and may change without notice.